
omg its been absolutely forever this place has changed so much but like I updated a story good for me Im gonna get back into writing hopefully im feeling particularly inspired. The runner ofc is still on hiatus but its gonna get there some day hopefully


omg its been absolutely forever this place has changed so much but like I updated a story good for me Im gonna get back into writing hopefully im feeling particularly inspired. The runner ofc is still on hiatus but its gonna get there some day hopefully


hey hey friend its been awhile how you been?? ^3^


@TheHollowOne no problemXD its fun


Ok people, i'm not officially giving up on writing(though i cant write to save meh life) I am rewriting THE RUNNERS ( even though nobody even reads it) so yea. I have no faith in my literary skills but i have a hundred in language arts (thumbs up).


Oh thank you nice person. :)