damn, it’s been a hot minute since i’ve been here! i see ‘eight’ is doing pretty swell, almost at 100k which is totally crazy! thanks guys, i luv y’all always. 
          	jus’ came back to say that i haven’t stopped writing, and i’ve been doing a story for quite while & wanted to come back to wattpad at sometime. tho, i debated whether i should make a new acc or not but got lazy at the thought, so i’m gonna do it here. 
          	however, i’m not a k-pop fan anymore so it won’t be a fanfiction. it’s actually going to be my own story, so idk if you guys will like it but idc. this is my acc, i do what i want. i’ll still be inactive for a bit ‘cuz i’m an adult, but sometime next year or so, i’ll be able to post my story and y’all will be able to read it. yippie! 
          	ok, i luv y’all. stay safe, be good.


Hey!! I love you so much and your stories ❤️❤️ I miss when we talked and I would definitely read an original


@ortbitar omg don't apologize T_T you're sweettt :(♡♡


          	  Wahhhhhh! Thank you so so so much, that makes me super-duper happy to hear that you enjoyed my story and my writing!!! My heart exploded from how kind you are <33, lots of kisses!!! Take care of yourself, as well, and ILY!!! ♡
          	  PS. Apologies about the user change, didn’t mean to give you a heart attack ahhhh! 


OMGG am i tripping?? i swear there were more fics here!! its been so long omg u retired??? i was trying to find an old shindeku fic (yes i do feel shame lol) that i used to read during quarantine.. just for memories bc i havent been on wattpad. i dont see it anymore. thats so sadd, like i wanna cryy lol. i cant believe u deleted it girll its prolly gone but had so much potential for me lmaoo


@YYINUIU Hi! Yes. Unfortunately I deleted all of my old fanfics as I am no longer on Wattpad. Sorry! ♡


hey! i was wondering if you still have a copy of that one skz/atz fic you made years ago? it's perfectly fine if you completely got rid of it but i liked it and if there is a chance i'd like to reread it. like i said its find if you dont have it or you just dont want to share it, that is also fine.


@eatsmoths → Hi! Unfortunately, I do not have the fic anymore. I deleted it completely. I apologize! 


istg ive read your fanfiction before
          Just not eight
          Maybe its someone else but i thought u had moar fics


[ @Bnhalemons ] 
            I did have more fanfictions. I written BNHA (upsettingly so… of the first TodoKami and ShinDeku… cringe!), did the first ever Stray Kids x Ateez crossover group chat and had other little insignificant side stories. I deleted them a very long time ago because I wasn’t proud of my stories, I wasn’t interested in the fandom anymore, to which I only kept Eight because it’s the only one I’m actually proud of. My older stories is what you’re probably talking about, unfortunately, I do not own them anymore.


damn, it’s been a hot minute since i’ve been here! i see ‘eight’ is doing pretty swell, almost at 100k which is totally crazy! thanks guys, i luv y’all always. 
          jus’ came back to say that i haven’t stopped writing, and i’ve been doing a story for quite while & wanted to come back to wattpad at sometime. tho, i debated whether i should make a new acc or not but got lazy at the thought, so i’m gonna do it here. 
          however, i’m not a k-pop fan anymore so it won’t be a fanfiction. it’s actually going to be my own story, so idk if you guys will like it but idc. this is my acc, i do what i want. i’ll still be inactive for a bit ‘cuz i’m an adult, but sometime next year or so, i’ll be able to post my story and y’all will be able to read it. yippie! 
          ok, i luv y’all. stay safe, be good.


Hey!! I love you so much and your stories ❤️❤️ I miss when we talked and I would definitely read an original


@ortbitar omg don't apologize T_T you're sweettt :(♡♡


            Wahhhhhh! Thank you so so so much, that makes me super-duper happy to hear that you enjoyed my story and my writing!!! My heart exploded from how kind you are <33, lots of kisses!!! Take care of yourself, as well, and ILY!!! ♡
            PS. Apologies about the user change, didn’t mean to give you a heart attack ahhhh! 


Hoho, I’m here after finishing your story ‘EIGHT’, and lemme say: this is one of the most beautiful and amazing and greatest stories I’ve ever read!! Like srsly, I can’t even comprehend how I’m feeling right now… it was just so raw and so real and so lifelike.. I was sad that Mingi had to go but I LOVED the realism in it, sooo much!! 
          Thank you.. srsly, just, thank you so much for writing such an amazing story (T-T)


@ATEEZHUB trust me, I can’t seem to move on, your story was just.. wow, I honestly have no words for it. Plus I finished it when Turbulence came out so imagine how I was feeling (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞


            Oh, my goodness! Thank you so much for your kind words, I deeply appreciate it! I am so happy you enjoyed my story and spread such kindness to me! Thank you so much!!!! ♡


━ To all my Eight readers, 
          Thank you for being amazing. Thank you for your kind words. Without you guys, I wouldn’t have been able to finish this story. You guys gave me inspiration and made me reach to my greatest peak in writing, and as a person. 
          You guys were my biggest motivation, you guys are the reason I find joy out of writing (again) — for half of my middle and high school years, I had such horrid writer’s block (and my writing was so messy!). However, when I wrote Eight out of impulse, I was so close to deleting it until I saw how many people really appreciated my early writing. I didn’t think it would be so many people’s comfort [story] but it brings tears (of joy) to my eyes to even think you guys like my story that much. 
          You guys are my biggest motivation in writing and in life. Thank you all for being wonderful and finding something beautiful out of my writing, and I am so happy to share it all with you. I love you all, you guys really mean so much to me! You are more than just my readers, you are my friends. ❤️


Damn Ria, I'm glad u never deleted it CAUSE DAMN U KNOW HOW TO WRITE 
            I'm also really happy to hear u found joy in writing again and can now do it freely how u like it 
            Hopefully it will last long and u can stay happy 


I really liked the story ! It's one of my favourites.
            Yes it made me cry but we don't talk about that-


@TEALIX Thank you so much for writing this book. When I first started reading this, I thought that it would be some normal high school story where life is just almost perfectly fine. But later on, through the chapters I realised how much I related to each character in this story. This story really depicts some major incidents that I've been through and whenever I felt low, I realised that maybe, there are more people like me. This book was my comfort as I felt as if someone did understand how I FELT. Even tho this was a fictional work, I found comfort in realising that there were characters who really felt like ME and we're in turmoil sometimes just like me. I'm sad, now that this story's gonna end but I sincerely thank you for this book which made me feel HOME. Honestly, I could keep reading EIGHT even if the story never ends and is ever lasting. I hope you write more of these books and continue to bring joy to the people who read them. LOVE YOU!!