I am sorry guys for making you'll wait. I am sorry for not following some followers there is a problem with my connection 


I just  read a comment on a book for love it had said love can't be trusted so I just wanna say one thing every love isn't same there are different people u love , different ways to love  so we can't say every love shouldn't be trusted. Even I love my mother isn't love for mother true anyways I was bored so thought of explaining love.  


Hey guys I am so bored so just thought of putting some of my qoutes in my conversation.
          1.        " IT TAKES NOTHING TO JOIN THE CROWD.
                         IT TAKES EVERYTHING TO STAND ALONE."
            2.         " BETTER TO LOSE ONE MOMENT IN LIFE
                                THAN LIFE IN ONE MOMENT."
          3.           "DOING WHAT YOU LIKE IS FREEDOM 
                           LIKING WHAT YOU DO IS HAPPINESS "


@TECHNOLOGY-READER  I wish I was productive like you. Instead when I'm bored I bother people *huffs*