this message may be offensive
I'm living life crisis!
          	1. My friends dumped Wattpad since they claim to have a life now so this is a one person account ( T^T ) But you guys don't worry all try my best the custody of this account is mine now.
          	2. I need to stop getting drunk and stop my bad habits of writing weird ass Fanfiction in Ao3 as I'm drunk as fuck but I'll admit it is fun !!!
          	3.If your Asian u would know that your parents would disown you  if you try to change your name to a American one ! Yeah your boy wants to change names... To the people who don't know my real name it's 
          	Dae-Joon which I fucking hate but oh well I guess I'll live with it because I don't want to get kicked out of my family.
          	Anyways life is fucking hard 


I have to agree keep your name and yes it will help you save money use your money to get yourself some snacks or something 


It will help you save money since is really expensive to change your name think 


@THELIFEINABOOK keep it keep your name


this message may be offensive
I'm living life crisis!
          1. My friends dumped Wattpad since they claim to have a life now so this is a one person account ( T^T ) But you guys don't worry all try my best the custody of this account is mine now.
          2. I need to stop getting drunk and stop my bad habits of writing weird ass Fanfiction in Ao3 as I'm drunk as fuck but I'll admit it is fun !!!
          3.If your Asian u would know that your parents would disown you  if you try to change your name to a American one ! Yeah your boy wants to change names... To the people who don't know my real name it's 
          Dae-Joon which I fucking hate but oh well I guess I'll live with it because I don't want to get kicked out of my family.
          Anyways life is fucking hard 


I have to agree keep your name and yes it will help you save money use your money to get yourself some snacks or something 


It will help you save money since is really expensive to change your name think 


@THELIFEINABOOK keep it keep your name


this message may be offensive
Went ghost hunting with a friend and her friends to tell you the truth I ain't a believer of it but... 
          it was fucking creepy as shit. 
          One of the guys there had hired some professional person expert in that type of stuff  my friend and the people there wanted to experience something abnormal or scary once in there life time and fuck I won't lie to you guy's at first I really didn't care at first.But then the person they hired started saying that we should talk or ask questions to the ghost and shit and I was like fuck no I ain't doing any of that! Some of the people there wanted me to ask stuff first since I was a none believer fortunately my bestie defended me she said that they were the ones who wanted to try not me and that I was here just to be next to her. So they started asking questions but they had to be short and simple one's and they couldn't that they would invite all the spirits there to talk to them I wonder why?
          Anyways creepy shit happened like they but this radio thing so the ghost could talk through it or whatever they had other things in the ground low key I wish I wouldn't have gone with them I should have tried to convince my friend not to go to why do I say that because those fuckers asked a creepy as question that lead to me somehow I didn't talk or asked anything I just read some fanfic in my phone quietly.
          I don't really recommend anyone doing that type of shit but if you really into that type of thing well then good for you.
          I'm kinda skeptical with all the creepy ass things that happened yesterday night. My friend asked if I felt something following me back or anything and I said No because well I didn't nothing really happened after that she said weird shit happened to one of her female friends she really didn't tell me the details about it but she said the girl keeps getting nightmare.
          I really don't know how to feel about this incident really it was just plain creepy.


Love you too baby!


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Go fuck yourself you bastard.


Jim join me in one of those creepy experience I promise to make it one of a kind of experience 