Your only dog day chapter teaser:
          	Dog Day gestures to the bed with a nod of his head. "Make yourself comfortable," he says, his voice dropping an octave. The way he says it is both casual and loaded with meaning, a gentle suggestion that you both know is the beginning of something more. He pads over to the minibar and pours two glasses of whiskey, his favorite. He carries them over to the bed with the same careful grace, placing one on the nightstand before taking a sip from the other. He watches you as you sit on the edge of the bed, his gaze traveling over your body in a way that makes you feel both seen and desired. "I've noticed how you look at me, Y/n," he says, his eyes never leaving yours. "It's... flattering." He sets his own drink down and takes a step closer, the warmth of his body like a magnet pulling you towards him. "And I've been wondering if maybe you'd like to do more than just look." His paws rest on your shoulders, his thumbs tracing circles on the bare skin of your neck. His touch is firm but gentle, a promise of dominance wrapped in a velvet bow.


Your only dog day chapter teaser:
          Dog Day gestures to the bed with a nod of his head. "Make yourself comfortable," he says, his voice dropping an octave. The way he says it is both casual and loaded with meaning, a gentle suggestion that you both know is the beginning of something more. He pads over to the minibar and pours two glasses of whiskey, his favorite. He carries them over to the bed with the same careful grace, placing one on the nightstand before taking a sip from the other. He watches you as you sit on the edge of the bed, his gaze traveling over your body in a way that makes you feel both seen and desired. "I've noticed how you look at me, Y/n," he says, his eyes never leaving yours. "It's... flattering." He sets his own drink down and takes a step closer, the warmth of his body like a magnet pulling you towards him. "And I've been wondering if maybe you'd like to do more than just look." His paws rest on your shoulders, his thumbs tracing circles on the bare skin of your neck. His touch is firm but gentle, a promise of dominance wrapped in a velvet bow.


Who are you, and how did you find me? 


@Dontknowmyself_123 Nahh its good I did not really take it as rude. I know you just don't want anybody weird trying to interact with you


Okay, that’s fine- I don’t wanna sound rude I just want to make sure you’re someone that uh, I don’t have concerns with, that’s all :)


@Dontknowmyself_123 Um Im friends with a lot of your friends or at least following them......


Children should not be aloud on this app because they get too emotional and it gets annoying


@THEONEANDONLYRAY_  It's true. My parents didn't even allow me on here but when I was the right age they told me I can.


@Bopropdroptop You get it.... the message was directed.....


@THEONEANDONLYRAY_ can’t say too much but they may be one of the people you’re talking about


I get it experience this before actually but I came out by using a letter and now my parents are cool with it but it's still so weird.


@Pastelbunnyispeebsy something like that but more direct 


@Pastelbunnyispeebsy thats cool like a postal letter?


Came out to my parents today. It was a weird experience but my mom told me she already new


@THEONEANDONLYRAY_  I'm glad that you've been learning self love. You should never have to hate yourself because of who you are, but to be proud for who you are.


@YourNumberOnePal Thank you like they were really kind about it because somehow they new how much self hatred I had because I was gay. But I have been learning to love myself with god but not most people can say that..........


Ermmmm... I just realized I used your name in my story, I hope that's okay ‍♂️ 


@THEONEANDONLYRAY_ Oh btw, I was nudging u on Tik-Tok lol.


New chapter out for my "Monty x male reader" book
          The chapter is a smut and has about 5000 words. The conclusion might feel a bit hurried because our team was eager to publish it after it was delayed by two days. I strongly recommend reading at least the chapter before, rather than just skipping to the smut section, so you understand the context of the story.