Hey everybody in a REALLY BIG slump going to be awhile until more stories come out because this isn't a one day thing it might be awhile sorry just for me life has been very difficult and I really dont want to talk about it so promise I will try to work on Slenderman and the other stories I have for u I know I have been behind but just can't right now so bye for now be on from time to time.
Hey everybody in a REALLY BIG slump going to be awhile until more stories come out because this isn't a one day thing it might be awhile sorry just for me life has been very difficult and I really dont want to talk about it so promise I will try to work on Slenderman and the other stories I have for u I know I have been behind but just can't right now so bye for now be on from time to time.
Everyone go check out my new part to slenderman u will love this one trust me but might be a little mad but only when u read the story u will undertand this MORE IS COMING SOON ITS NOT OVER UNTIL I SAY ITS OVER or u could understand now
Hey everybody after my more than I expected break I HAVE RETURNED and plan on continuing the slenderman story to the next step and making a long book so get ready for ALOT of parts to this story as I continue and dragon babies will be involved with even other kind of babies so stay TUNED
Hey everybody making a new part to all about me decided I would have a chat with all of you to see how you guys and girls are and Toxicblaze you don't count
Hey everybody if u have the time y not give me some idea of what to write next I do have some ideas but they are not finished yet so please don't hesitate to tell me thanks for everything!!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys and girls or if you are gender less or you think you are a he/she or a she/he then still just know that stories are not going to be posted for a long time bc I have had troubles lately so just know things will be postpones like another Teen Titan part maybe adding a new part to me all about me if you guys would like so put a comment if you would like about that and some new stories coming one is with Toxicblaze and another I thought if myself so just know things will be postponed until maybe next week to the week after and please leave some comments on the Titan story maybe just for fun I don't mind it can be ridiculous like Toxicblaze's but that is alright so bye for now!!!