I hope those that have read my new poem are satisfied of its content. Yes IshaThorat was my inspiration to make it. I hope each of you were able to smile, for that is all that this Earth now needs. People live day to day lives without smiling, I happen to be one of those people ;D Thank you Isha for your beautiful poetry. I shall do my best to please you all with my words as soon as I come up with them the following days. My friends let us hold hands, and rewrite the definition of life. Let us make life a place where smiles have actual meaning. Let us obliterate the people who believe that hurting others is a good thing. We shall use our greatest weapons. But behold our secret weapon *brings out a cheap pen* this stick encoded with ink shall guide this planet, and rid of all people who believe that hope can never be achieved. Look up to the skies, the constellations have never looked so appealing. Well I will make my next poem sometime soon XD.


I was bound to get it right eventually.


@THE_GREAT_ELDER_ONE You finally got my name right. 


Hello there, Great elder one.
          I have arrived. A fellow otaku that has found her way here. I will be greatly pleased to read your work.
          -Niki Christianne ❤️


Heh, glad to hear it let me know what you think XD.


I hope those that have read my new poem are satisfied of its content. Yes IshaThorat was my inspiration to make it. I hope each of you were able to smile, for that is all that this Earth now needs. People live day to day lives without smiling, I happen to be one of those people ;D Thank you Isha for your beautiful poetry. I shall do my best to please you all with my words as soon as I come up with them the following days. My friends let us hold hands, and rewrite the definition of life. Let us make life a place where smiles have actual meaning. Let us obliterate the people who believe that hurting others is a good thing. We shall use our greatest weapons. But behold our secret weapon *brings out a cheap pen* this stick encoded with ink shall guide this planet, and rid of all people who believe that hope can never be achieved. Look up to the skies, the constellations have never looked so appealing. Well I will make my next poem sometime soon XD.


I was bound to get it right eventually.


@THE_GREAT_ELDER_ONE You finally got my name right. 


Watson, I just read your Bio. Thank you so much for all your sweet words! Feel free to message Sherlock anytime. I would love to talk to you! :)
          Wide grins and lots of Elementary,
          - You know who XD


@ishathorat This made my week xD


Aha! Sherlock in Latin form is Shakespeare, and you said it yourself "Feel free to message Sherlock anytime. I would love to talk to you." As you can see, you placed Sherlock and referred to him as I. The same way that O. Henry is William Sydney Porter as an alias, is the same way that Sherlock Holmes, William Shakespeare, and Isha Throat is the same person, and to put it in Sherlocks words (your words) I deduce that if I take the three names and scramble them they will have a hidden meaning to your true identity. Shake William's Spear and lock it in Holmes Throat. I shall decipher this meaning in the meanwhile, but remember this : THE TRUTH WILL BE REVEALED.