*gives you cookies*
"Do you want some?"

"Let me tell you something about me, because... after all we are here on my profile:

My story begins one summer afternoon when I first downloaded Wattpad. That was several years ago, so I hardly remember it. It was a long time before coins were introduced to Wattpad. I started writing with German books about mafias and werewolf stories. After that I also wrote a Harry Potter fanfiction. But I didn't really finish any of it and I knew it was just for fun. But that is changing now. I'm going to write an English book that maybe even can be a printed book.

Also, I'm not a native English speaker. My native languages are German and Russian. So maybe I'll translate this book into the other two languages myself. So if you find any mistakes in language or content and tell me about them, I would dance in a circle three times as a 'thank you'. Even if I can't dance :)

If you don't want to miss it when I upload the first chapters of my new book, follow me and activate the notification in your settings. (Damn, that sounds like an ad xD)
  • ˙pǝq ʎɯ ɟo sɹǝʌoɔ ǝɥʇ ɹǝpu∩
  • JoinedJuly 20, 2022


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