I'm very sorry to say that I'm gonna do a speech here so good luck hahaha
I hope every single one of you on this website have a fantastic Hogmanay (or New Year if you're not Scottish) and I hope 2017 will be a good year for you I hope it's your year but for it to be the best we've got to help each other out and be kind and happy.
Sure 2016 is a year many of us want to put behind us and while there has been many upsets and bad times and weird as hell times, there's been so many good times - there's been scientific breakthroughs and so much more. Anything is possible with family, friends and love which (excuse my cheesiness) will get you through anything I promise.
We need stuff that makes us happy we need music and books and films and laughter to help us through bad times and make the good times even better.
If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here if you need me ❤❤❤
I'm very proud of you all and I love y'all and I hope you have a brilliant New Year
ALL THE BEST FOR 2017 I LOVE YA!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤