Hi Everyone!
          	Happy holidays!
          	Thank you for sticking with me this year as I found my writing feet. 
          	Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates!
          	TK Maj.


Hi Everyone!
          Happy holidays! 
          I'm still at work but I managed to put up Part V and Chapter 29 of the Venture Capitalist (FINALLY)! I hope everyone is having a great time in the snow (if you're lucky to have some), rain (if you're experiencing that wonderful phenomenon in South Africa at the moment) or sun (because sun is great too)! Thanks for sticking around!
          TK Maj.


Hi Friends
          New chapter up! On a Monday no less! My goal is to complete this novel as soon as possible so I'm gonna write and publish whenever I can until it's done. 
          There are about five or six chapters left and then it's finished so enjoy and chat laters (probably sooner than expected).
          TK Maj.


Hi Guys,
          Long time no see. Where have I been? What have I been doing? 
          I've had the following going on recently that sort of put writing on the back burner:
          -Dental surgery: let's just say the less said about that the better. It was and still is quite painful at times and although I am glad I did it, it still hurt a ton.
          -Work: who doesn't know how life can sweep you away and keep you from your hobbies? I really enjoy writing but there has been so much going on professionally that it has been a struggle to come here and be inspired to write.
          -Life: I have been reflecting on some of my life decisions lately and trying to find a path for my life that I can be happy and fulfilled with. It's been a long and draining process but here I am on the other side. 
          I have been trying to round off the Venture Capitalist and will keep updating as much as possible.
          Thanks for sticking around!
          TK Maj.


Hi Friends,
          Unfortunately there won't be any new chapters this week. I haven't been feeling all that great to be honest. I have a minor surgery in my future, work and other life stuff. I've been trying to destress by watching Youtube videos and scrapbooking (it's tons of fun!). Anyway, I hope you understand.
          TK Maj.