A late update on things. Exam studying is awful. The current subject is the exact opposite of my professional specialty, which makes grasping concepts hard. My test is scheduled for next month, though, and as a reward for followers, I will be releasing an additional TEN CHAPTERS of The Last Year of the Rabbit.
Tensions are ramping up behind the curtain. Izzie has had the first encounter with the main villain of the story, and things are getting complicated between her relationship with the boys, her ex, and her emotions. It's getting increasingly hard to write a meek, quiet character, but in today's writing I managed a glimpse of the old Izzie, which really touched me. She really is a good person, and I really want the best for her.
Another tough thing is dealing with the villain. She only talks if she wants something or needs to manipulate someone, which is a weird balance. Ah, she's such a delight, though.
The MC for the third book has been subtly introduced, I'm almost finished with the draft for Chapter Thirty Four...and I'm trying to avoid studying. If you'd like a sneak peak at the aforementioned MC, Baozhai the Chinese nymph, check out The Circle Girls - A Guide, "A Field for Dead Flowers."