
Random thought, but as a horror reader, I do not like Stephen KKing Books. I liked maybe two of them but every other Stephen King book I've read I do not like. It's weird because I am a horror lover, I love Jon Athan books, Jack Ketchum, Aron Beauregard, but I just can't get into Stephen King books.


What kind of books do you like from Stephen King?


@BtsFan674 The Mist is probably the only books I've actually really liked and even that one had a very disapointing ending, I enjoyed Billy Summer's, Shawshank Redemption, and The Outsider, but all the other books I've read of his I've hated


Random thought, but as a horror reader, I do not like Stephen KKing Books. I liked maybe two of them but every other Stephen King book I've read I do not like. It's weird because I am a horror lover, I love Jon Athan books, Jack Ketchum, Aron Beauregard, but I just can't get into Stephen King books.


What kind of books do you like from Stephen King?


@BtsFan674 The Mist is probably the only books I've actually really liked and even that one had a very disapointing ending, I enjoyed Billy Summer's, Shawshank Redemption, and The Outsider, but all the other books I've read of his I've hated


Guys, the most disturbing book I have ever read is The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum. My gosh, this book will make you lose faith in humanity. And the fact that it's based off a real life murder is absolutely insane, and heart breaking. This book is based off the 1965 murder of Sylvia Likens. If you look up this murder, proceed with caution. And if you ever read this book, be careful, it has all the trigger warnings. I'm not squemish, I read extremem horror for fun, but even this book is just, disturbing, and heart breaking, and so many people can't finish this book because of how triggering it is.


@TM_Cosplays I read the book and at her death I threw up. It was just disturbing for me


@TM_Cosplays I can only take so much but still be putting myself to read these books


@g1rlesru13 Same, I can take gore and litterly anything, but when it come to actual children it feels so much different, it's a lot more disturbing to me, but I do like to disturb myself I guess


guys, my sleep schedual is so out of wack rn, I'm a bg night owl, but it's gotten to the point where Ibdon't go to bed til the afternoon, and I'm trying to fix that. That's why I haven't really been posting, snd I'm sorry about that.


I don't have a posting schedual by days, but I do have an order which I will be posting in. So if you follow this you will know which one I will be posting next. This is the order, I can't say when they finish, but if I post a chapter then you will know which one I will be posting next when it is finished.
          Flame & Ashe [Hiccup Haddock x Reader]
          The Greatest [The Great x Reader]
          Knightly [The Nursery Nurse/The Knight Nursery x Reader]
          A Deagon's Gem [Aegon Targaryen x Reader]


Guys, I've been rrading so much these past few days. And it may just be a me thing, but I rotate between books, so at the moment, I am reading 4 books.
          When She Weeps
          A Good Girls Guide To Murder
          Secrets So Deep
          And my goodness, I am at the climax of all of them right now, so it's just drama after drama in these books and I am loving it.


Finally posted for Flame and Ashe again! Also, who else is excited about the live action httyd movie? I'm excited but also not, mainly cause I feel like it'll be a bootleg version of the original, but I'll still be watching it when it comes out.