
Assalam Aalaykum, hello dear ones. It's been a very long time since I last updated I know. Sorry about that. 
          	Here's a new update. I hope you give it a shot, new infos about Talyan and the little girl.
          	 Pray for Palestine, Free Palestine


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة مرحبًا بك أيها الكاتب المتأمل في درب النجومية، كيف حالك وأحلامك؟
          قد لا تكون الأضواء مسلطة عليك الآن، ولكنني أؤمن أن المستقبل يحمل لك بريقًا خاصًا، يتلألأ بأعمالك وفكرك. ولهذا السبب، أبعث إليك هذه النصيحة التي قد تكون همسة اليوم، لكنها قد تصبح صرخة وعي في الغد.
          إياك أن تترك قلمك ينساق خلف ما يخالف الدين أو يزلّ به إلى ما يجلب الذنوب؛ فإن الكلمة أمانة، وكل حرف تكتبه يُحسب عليك أو لك. وإن احتوت روايتك على ما يخالف القيم، فإن كل قارئ يستقي منها سيكون وزره في عنقك، والعكس صحيح؛ إذ قد تُصبح كلماتك نبعًا يفيض بالحسنات إن هدت قلوبًا أو ألهمت عقولًا.
          إن كنت تبحث عن مزيد من التعمق في هذا الأمر، فقد صغت تجربة ممتدة بين صفحات كتابي "طريقة تسميم الروايات لكتابها". ستجد فيه التفاصيل التي قد تشبع تساؤلاتك وتفتح أمامك آفاقًا أعمق لفهم هذا الطريق.
          ابقَ مستعدًا للعظمة، فإن النجوم لا تضيء السماء إلا بعد صبر طويل.
          و السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة 



Assalamualaikum, I want to thank you for supporting my latest work IQ novel and I was hoping you'd give me some feedback as I'm taking this seriously and hoping to publish it, I'd appreciate it if you have any notes or if you'd share your opinion on the novel so far


@TNT_elkoufeyi thank you so much for your honest opinion, it means so much to me to receive your feedback, I hope I don't disappoint you with the upcoming chapters, I'll do my best 


وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته 
            I wanted to write you my feedback today سبحان الله. 
            I am sooo proud of you. Great story so far, I laughed with Hassan a lot and felt connected to his free spirit and values. As for Omar I agree with his female colleague  I’m not going to burn the events. Also for Maher, his coworkers remind me so much of the (Palestinian) security forces in the West Bank سبحان الله . 
            A great great work. I’m enjoying it and can’t wait to see where it takes us. جزاك الله خيراً for writing it ✌✊❤️


Hey, I hope you're doing well! I was looking through some old chapters of my novel, "Betrayed in Blood" (formerly "Blood Spilled"), and I saw some comments you left giving me some advice for editing. I really appreciate those! I've actually been rewriting, so I thought you might be interested to know. If you want to see my progress, the book is on my profile. Much thanks!!


Assalam alaykom wa rahmatullahi wa barakatoh, hollo dear ones. 
          This is an interview with me made by none other than the wonderful writer @makeitbetter 
          If you want to know more about Palestine  and what’s going right now, please don’t hesitate to read the interview and you can comment and ask questions as much as you want, and in shaa Allah I’ll answer them as much as possible. 
          Free Palestine  



@TNT_Writer inn sha Allah I will read this book Jazakillah for sharing it with us ❤


Assalam aalaykum wa alaykom assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatoh. Sisters. 
          Subhanallah after updating my story , this video comes to my feed in instagram, you can imagine the little girl in my story and her reaction to what’s happening in Palestine to this girl. 
           Same reaction, same age maybe a bit older because in my story she can speak better. Subhanallah. ✊✌ even the kids can feel and understand what’s happening in Palestine. Ya Allah