Make Love To Life 


          Destiny doesn’t mean that your life has been strictly predetermined. Therefore, to leave everything to fate. No.
          Think of it this way, we came to this life. The universe plays music, now we are all given various instruments. This instrument we can't change, but guess what I can choose to play or not. And if I decide to play I would suck at it but I get better, play better. If I choose to learn and put in effort. Only then can I play and join the universe to create music.
          Do you get it?
          We can't change our instruments, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't play, give it a go yes it's hard. But hey think about what you can create.
          Peace Be Unto You .


Spero che ti svegli con la sensazione di essere veramente vivo.


@_IamArt9_  Dudeeee, not the govt name on the board, please. ಠ‿ಠ
            But, thanks!!


I wish you the same


Thank you for giving my work a chance. I am really grateful to you and to person who recommended the book.
          Book has its own life and heart. So you may please feel free to interact with her.
          She is quite shy.
          I am new to this platform and to writing but eager to learn from every kind of criticism.
          Hope u stay and I learn.
          Thank you.