// I'm in for some rps with this sweet guy. Would anyone like a starter?
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// I'm in for some rps with this sweet guy. Would anyone like a starter?
// I'm in for some rps with this sweet guy. Would anyone like a starter?
/ you keep making these hot hydra aus that i want to try an evil! milo sksksks
@TORNREACTOR / idkk . maybe they took him to get to steve and tony ? like threaten him in order to get what they want from his fathers .
Fear and pain crossed Steve’s face. No, it couldn’t be! He had...he had watched him die. He had watched Tony die! Why was he here now? Why was he in this Hydra base? Why did a very much Anthony Stark walk through that door? “.....Tony.....” a choked gasp left the soldier’s throat in shock. He didn’t know what to do, what to say, how to act. Was he here to save him? Or was Tony with Hydra? No. He couldn’t go through this again. Not again please God, no. “You’re dead...you should be...h-how?” Questions ran through Roger’s head like a wildfire. He couldn’t control the panic, the pain. He was useless, the rope tied around his wrists and behind the chair kept the man from running up and embracing his long lost friend. Tears, the slow stinging of salt water filled Steve’s blue eyes as they coursed their way down his cheek. Tony was alive. I repeat Tony Stark was alive.
@GodBlessAmericasAss Blond hair. Blue eyes. A voice that could put children to sleep but could move mighty warriors. Captain America, his tortured brain provided. But wait… there was something else. He… recognized… was that- "Hit him," a gravelly, low voice sounded, laced with a subtle German accent. X1 stepped forward to Steve. It was an order, and he had to obey it. He hit Steve against his temple with the strength of a worldrecord heavyweight. Dull brown eyes shifted to his handler -who now had stepped into the room- for more instructions. X1 wore a mask much like the Winter Soldier had. "Do it again." So the brunet did. When his handler told him to stand down, X1 stepped back stiffly. He looked at Steve. No recognition there. But he had called him Tony. Tony… Who was that?
@hydrascat He looked down at the feline who had just spoken. "Thanks," he replied a bit unsurely and in his groggy voice. X1 didn't speak so much.
@hydrxspider Hail Hydra.
"So you're alive, Stark." The blonde said, his arms crossed. His eyes where insane. They didn't show love or care.
@TORNREACTOR He smiled softly. “You can act normal, Solider.” He said. “When you’re with me that is.”
@PhyscoBlonde- Looking up, his brows drew together. Outside ? Well, he didn't mind that. A bit of air would be nice after the many days in his isolation cell. He kept his arms strictly to his sides and waited for the other male to move, so he could follow.
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