So, story time to whoever reads this. Since the 1st week of school there was this boy in my biology class making me feel uneasy. He would constantly sit next to me, ask for my number(which he asked several times and I rejected). He asked for my snap and insta, I rejected again. I was absent for a few weeks and I was asking for some help in class, when he turns his phone and snaps a picture. I didn’t think anything of it. Until I realized this is considered sexual harassment. The teacher moved my seat to the back of the class. He still sat next to me after the teacher moved me. He started talking on the phone on Thursday, making sexual comments to a girl on the phone. I filed a report to the deans office. My biology teachers were upset as well as my school counselor. When the dean called me down to speak to me, she was SHOCKED. The same kid on Monday bumped into me on purpose. I turned around and gave him the bird as self-defense or instant reaction. One of my teachers now sits next to me in class like a bodyguard. Please if you see anybody in an uncomfortable situation, help them it makes a difference. Thank you!
Stay safe!❤️