Update: ok so things with Seth went south and I really don’t think anything is gonna work out because the feelings just aren’t 100% there for either of us.. which really sucks but I can’t really do anything about it. That being said.. I’ve been debating on posting this for a while now because I don’t want people to think I’m a bad person for being like this cause I’ve never done this before.. but a few days after things went bad with Seth someone DMd me.. the first conversation was really short cause it was late but the next day we kept talking and eventually got each other’s Snapchats and numbers and we haven’t really stopped talking except to sleep.. and I mean that in the most serious way possible, like we just got off the phone a few minutes ago because he was about to fall asleep but we start talking every day at around 6 in the morning and text all through school and then FaceTime after school.. the difficult thing is we don’t go to the same school so we haven’t met in person. From the start he was reaalllly flirty and sweet and so nice.. things are moving kind of fast but still under control.. and everything is just really comfortable and genuine.. unlike with Seth where it was kind of one sided and dry.. I wish I could explain how this is going better so that I don’t look like such a bad person but it just happened and it’s so good.. we talk about meeting each other all the time and it’s just really amazing and I can’t explain it all to I hope you guys can understand.. let me know if you want updates on the person and I and if so give me recommendations on what I should call him on here cause I have no clue all right imma go to bed now and wait for morning so we can talk again.. night.