
I know there’s been a lot of confusion surrounding pressure recently, and I’m sorry for not addressing this on wattpad sooner, but please don’t worry. I am continuing this fic, I won’t abandon it, and the next chapter is coming soon. I’ve been working on it on and off the past few months as I’ve been struggling with my mental health and needed to take a break. I post more frequently about pressure on Twitter then I do on my message board on wattpad, so if you want more information you can find it over there. Thank you for your patience, I love you all x


@TPWLarry I hope ur ok - come back when you need. Ur mental health is important


@TPWLarry take all the time you need man. Your health is more important than anything else. All the love 


@TPWLarry take your time, i hope u r doing


Dearest author, 
          I’ve been spiraling down a never ending rabbit hole after the loss of Liam. I grew up with One Direction being a huge part of my life but slowly drifted away from the fandom. After Liam passed, I am more obsessed than ever. I redownloaded Wattpad and have been using Larry fanfics as a way to cope with the loss (along with tattoos for each of the boys). I started reading Pressure after finishing Reunion. I love a good realistic One Direction storyline fanfic and you delivered on all avenues. My Larry heart was exploding as you described in detail all the significant Larry instances that have transpired over the years. 
          As soon as I read Reunion, I knew I had to read Pressure. Although I didn’t realize it was unfinished when I started reading it, I have no regrets. Pressure is truly one of the best fanfictions I have ever read. Your ability to bring the characters to life amazes me. I looked forward to reading your book each night as it was an escape from the real world. You write so well that I can say I’m fully immersed in your story as I read. You have a true talent for writing, thank you for sharing that with us. 
          I truly hope you finish this book someday. If this fandom has proven anything, it’s that we’re dedicated and will wait for however long it takes. 
          Lots of love, 


          I just wanted to say that I'm completely obsessed with your book, PRESSURE. I think it's absolutely brilliant and it's the EXACT type of stories I'm into. Especially the- enemies to lovers, slow burn, NO FLUFF I CANNOT WITH THAT, and I love how it subtly covers dark topics without spelling everything out to you, some things you just pick up by the way the characters say things or their facial expressions or even the way Louis thinks. I love how you don't need to change POV's to help the reader understand whats going on with Harry, or other characters. I've read your book 4 times, even though it's not finished, and I took your song advice except I only listening to Beautiful Crime by Tamer for the ENTIRE book. All 4 times. Because of how well written it is, I can see every scene like a movie, and whenever I listen to the song Beautiful Crime, I get LITERAL flashbacks to the book and I remeber main story plots. The whole reason I re-read it the 3rd time, 4th time, and now currently I'm on chapter 2, 5th time, it because of your brilliant song suggestion. it matches the book you wrote PERFECTLY. I totally get it if you chose not to finish the book: you wrote it years ago and you're probably not interested by Louis x Harry anymore, or even 1 Direction. If you did decide to continue writing, awesome! If you don't, awesome! I've come up with a bunch of theories and I'm sure other fans has too.
          In summary; thankyou for sharing your writing skills with us and making this book. You created a world with Louis and Harry that felt so real. You could practically take this book, rewrite the names and publish it as your own story haha! Thanks alot.


@TPWLarry Hi How are you! I hope ypu are alright. You are so amazing writer. I LOVE PRESSURE AND RETURNION. Your books make me happy and cry and everything.  Take care of yoursel.


I can’t even begin to describe how much this has meant to me. If I’m being honest I rarely check wattpad anymore, I hardly write, but it is always in the back of my mind and I truly do want to complete pressure someday. Thank you for being so understanding, and thank you for complimenting pressure in such high regards because sometimes I really doubt if it’s any good or not haha. I’m really glad you’ve enjoyed it so much and I hope I can get an update out for you sometime soon x


I hope you are doing well. I wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed both of your works. You're a really good writer, and I hope that you will continue to write more fanfics. Especially hoping that you will be able to add to your story, Pressure. Take care of yourself and know that there are many readers enjoying your work.


hi, I really really hope you're doing well. you're such a talented and devoted author. your fanfiction 'pressure' is truly outstanding and I will never ever stop waiting for an update as are so many people. we would all love it if you came back. I really hope you're doing well. thank you for writing your brilliant fanfic 


Hey! I was just wondering if there will be any updates on pressure? It is a really good fic and I really hope you want to continue with it soon. I get that I am no person to complain (all of my fics are dnf's) but PLEASE. I am begging you.
          Until then, take care and stay safe. Just know that you have a lot of support on here and we miss your writing. 


hey babes, ik it’s been a long long time but we all hope your okay and doing well!! You have so many people who love your fics and would love to see you hopefully finish pressure or even just give a summery abt what happened after chapter 42. We would all get so excited seeing the sneak peaks of the next chapters and how the story would end..would love to see the finished product. Again hope you’re doing well and hope to see you soon!! 
          -Emma R.    :)