When he was about 7, his father had to buy a new house because the house next door to the one they were living in at the time caught on fire. The fire ended up spreading to their house and to get straight to the point, the mother didn't make it out in time.
Fast forward to a year later on Rogue's 8th birthday. His grandmother had given him an ouija board because, according to her, it was a "fun game for young kids like him" to play. She did not believe in the existence of the paranormal, nor did she believe one could speak to a 'ghost' or 'enitity' through the board. So, she saw no reason not to give it to him so he could play with it and let his little imagination run wild. However, she strictly told him not to tell his father that she gave it to him and to keep it as hidden as possible.
To be honest, he wasn't all that interested in the board at first. But later that night while his father was away at work (he works from 9 PM to 8 AM), he decided to play the game. It was around midnight when he decided to do so and he went into the living room to retrieve the box the board was in. He took it out, put the piece on it and recalled how his grandmother explained to him how to play with it (she basically told him that he places his fingers on the planchette, make sure it's in the center of the board, move it around in circles and has to stay very still—then he asks different questions and the board is supposed to repsond by making the planchette move). He began to ask a bunch of random questions, but nothing happened. He was beginning to get bored of it since he was running out of questions to ask when the thought of asking about his mom came to mind. He asked if his mom was in heaven and nothing happened.