Chapter 25 is now fixed as well! What does this mean? It means that the story can FINALLY continue with Chapter 29! I will be working on the outline and writing new chapters soon!! Keep your eyes open!


I just realized I skipped editing a chapter that really needs redone so, as soon as I finish the edits on "Winter in Sitharu", I will be going back to chapter 25 "Life in Sitharu" and fixing the story of the two cities. It is no longer accurate and needs to be re-written to fit the lore of the story. I am truly sorry about this.


The new cover has arrived and I am really liking it. Lyric the Fair will now be known as Blood and Stone! I hope you all enjoy the new cover and title! 
          Chapter 24 is being rewritten and will hopefully drop today or tomorrow!


I wanted to let you all know that Lyric the Fair is going through some changes. It will be given a new title and cover. I am also changing some chapters completely while others are going to be very heavily edited. As if right now, Chapter 22 (previously Truce with Validian) has been completely rewritten and is now The Unquiet Grave. 


@chellycaz I went back and rewrote chapter 22 which is now The Unquiet Grave, that's the earliest that needed to be changed. I am working on 24 now. I need to do 24,26,27, and 28. If that helps