sooo, as i said, i’m writing kenma fic, and honestly it’s really challenging to me to write a character like him? i don’t know how to explain it, he’s just really complex to me and i try my best to do him justice, which makes the chapters i write really long and on more serious side from what i used to write, at least at the begining, since they aren’t close yet, there will be fluff and cute stuff i promise
          	what are your icks in how people characterize kenma? like the things that people say that he would do/what he’s like that makes you say immediately no, he’s not like that for sure


@achlyseunomia I agree!! and I find it so aggravating that its so hard to find fanfics of him being in character :’c


what i think a lot a people characterize kenma as a nice person and i'm not saying he isn't bc he is a nice person but he also gets tired of people and annoyed a lot. sort of js some typical introverted personality traits. this might be too late idk but i hope this helps a bit at least 


@TSK11SHM  oh i am glad i helped in some way ! also, thanks for writing such cute stories (they r like therapy <3)


is there a way to private dm someone on this app? 


@TSK11SHM that would be great thanks ^^


do you want to dm me?? i can give you my tumblr username if you want!!


unfortunatelly wattpad took away that option few months ago:(


sooo, as i said, i’m writing kenma fic, and honestly it’s really challenging to me to write a character like him? i don’t know how to explain it, he’s just really complex to me and i try my best to do him justice, which makes the chapters i write really long and on more serious side from what i used to write, at least at the begining, since they aren’t close yet, there will be fluff and cute stuff i promise
          what are your icks in how people characterize kenma? like the things that people say that he would do/what he’s like that makes you say immediately no, he’s not like that for sure


@achlyseunomia I agree!! and I find it so aggravating that its so hard to find fanfics of him being in character :’c


what i think a lot a people characterize kenma as a nice person and i'm not saying he isn't bc he is a nice person but he also gets tired of people and annoyed a lot. sort of js some typical introverted personality traits. this might be too late idk but i hope this helps a bit at least 


@TSK11SHM  oh i am glad i helped in some way ! also, thanks for writing such cute stories (they r like therapy <3)


in honor of me trying to write kenma fic, share with me your favourite kenma headcanons pls !!! i love sitting on tumblr and reading all sorts of headcanons and scenarios, it’s like top tier entertainment for me, especially when i see something cool i can add to my stories


from what i see under my works… kenma is really a fan favourite right?? yall really yearn for kenma fanfiction :3 i’ll see what i can do about it hehe




Yk how people say “no skip discography”, you have a no skip bookography. I first read your Akaashi fanfic and wow it was the best fic I had read in a while. I followed your account and that was that. Then unbeknownst to me I read your Kuroo fic and it had me gobsmacked by how much I loved it (I have always had this one sided beef with me but that fanfic literally made it vanish; it changed that trajectory of my life). I just had to check who had written that incredible fic and I was brought back to your account and was shocked that you had written 2 gorgeous fics. So by law I had to read the Suna one and you didn’t miss. Anywho all this to say your work is so good you should be so proud!! 
          P.s. I feel like I remember your Suna ff saying that you had Kenma one, who hapoens to be my favourite character , so I’d like to ask what happened to it if you did really have one. 


@TSK11SHM I completely understand why you unpublished the Kenma fic but Im excited to know you have one in the works for him!! Also the fact you’re making an Iwaizumi one makes me so happy I love his character so much but he doesn’t have very many good fanfics but if it’s you, I know it will be great!!
            Im so excited!! No pressure but keep up the good work :DD


this is.. wow !!! thank you for so many kind words it means world to me to hear something like that, you literally made my whole day and i will be thinking about this message for a really long time thank you sm again
            about the kenma fic, it was posted by me after i wrote suna fic, but i started posting before i finished writing and that was my mistake because i need to have everything finished and checked before posting, so it just overwhelmed me to write it and post right away so i just unpublished it (it silly but its just the way i am:p)
            right now i’m writing a fic about iwaizumi (sneak peak just for you, i wasn’t planning on sharing that before i finish:3) but kenma is really high on my list of characters i plan to write about and he scored even higher after your message


Sorry for the essay but it had to be said ‍♀️


hi guys:3 first of all happy holidays!! to everyone who’s celebrating and everyone who’s just enjoying free time with their families<3
          second… ‘all of that’ hit a 100k views and it’s seriously CRAZY to me that you loved it that much, seriously, i can’t thank you enough for all love and support
          i haven’t been there that much lately—i had a job (eugh) but i probably won’t be staying there after the new year, so i’ll do my best to get back to writing, because i miss it so much!!! 
          that’s all from me, i hope you’ll stay around for my next fic:33


happy holidays!! i love your writing so much but take ur time no rush<3


I love all your books!!! I really hope you write another but no pressure


hi guyyyyys:3 life update because i miss yall
          two weeks ago i started a job in a bookstore, it’s going really good and i enjoy it a lot, but it’s a christmas season now and damn it’s BUSY, also i have uni and it’s taking a lot of my time too, so i don’t really have time to write AND DO YALL KNOW HOW DOES IT FEEL TO WORK AT THE BOOKSTORE LOOK AT THOSE BOOKS EVERYDAY AND NOT HAVE TIME TO WRITE MY OWN STORIES ??? AWFULLLL i miss it so bad:( 
          just so you know, i’m reading all your comments even if i don’t reply to them as much as i used to and i am trying to work on a fic as much as i can when i’m not busy with work, uni, making christmas gifts and studying:p 


take your time to relax for the time being, we will always be here for you ! 


i hope u find tike to relax and take a breather and if writing fics does that then im glad but just remember don’t stress yourself out <3