
All 10 parts of my Buffy fanfiction series' first volume Slayer of Slayers are now ready to read! With work on the second volume having begun already, further announcements on that later, as well as an announcement about a Charmed fanfic series I've been working on, to be later revealed...


All 10 parts of my Buffy fanfiction series' first volume Slayer of Slayers are now ready to read! With work on the second volume having begun already, further announcements on that later, as well as an announcement about a Charmed fanfic series I've been working on, to be later revealed...


I am at that annoying stage of fanfic writing where I've got two projects on the go "Original Love" and "Buffy versus the Originals", and both are going reasonably well, one takes a little longer to write than the other but think that's the way some projects do go...the BIG problem is I keep getting really fab ideas for fanfic stories, noted them down and it's just made me want to do them even more!
          I'm trying to be sensible and stick to the two I'm doing now, as I feel like they'd clash with the others and something else would be forced into hiatus...
          Inspiration always tends to hit me when I've got a million things going on, never when I'm looking for inspiration lol


For the festive season why not try my "Buffy" Christmas one-shot fanfic called Twisted Tristan's Tormented Christmas?
          Or if you are a fan of my "Originals" fanfiction series Origins of Magics then chapters 14 and 15 which are both Christmas specials are available to read right now.


I am writing as the inspiration strikes, which means I am now currently writing three fanfiction series at the same time but can't complain too much after a long writer's block! 
          So with those ramblings I am proud to announce I am back writing Charmed fanfiction once more with the first chapter of my new fanfic Charmed Children available to read right now.