I wanna be an adult SO BAD. I wanna be an adult... I wanna be an adult... I wanna... SO CLOSEEE IM SO CLOSE I WANNA BE AN ADULLTTTTT......I want responsibility!! I want the privilege of paying bills BECAUSE IM COOL. I wanna treat my younger friends as babies the moment i turn legal GUYS IM SO FREAKING CLOSEEE. I'm honestly so excited to get highschool over with...


I wanna be an adult SO BAD. I wanna be an adult... I wanna be an adult... I wanna... SO CLOSEEE IM SO CLOSE I WANNA BE AN ADULLTTTTT......I want responsibility!! I want the privilege of paying bills BECAUSE IM COOL. I wanna treat my younger friends as babies the moment i turn legal GUYS IM SO FREAKING CLOSEEE. I'm honestly so excited to get highschool over with...


My goal from now on is to get top 10k for every event up to the next tsukasa focus... Where I'll go for maybe t500. 
          After that, ill go t1000 on rui4
          Then, i REALLY want t50 for tsukasa5..... Gonna make it happen.... I have a year to save


@TSUKASAUU i wont actually be hard tiering for any event unless its a tsukasa focus. Other than that, i think ill just play regularly during events


We've got ANOTHER niigo cover that sucks ass  can we just get rid of the entire group atp


@TSUKASAUU imo thr cover is good ena needs more solo lines


@TSUKASAUU niigo stays ruining classic songs goddamn