
Sorry, it's been so quiet over here. It's publishing time again. 
          	My short story Status Three Agent is a short story in The Expanding Universe anthology vol. 9 released in September. 
          	The other is the last book in the Starship Hope series entitled, ARRIVAL coming out next week. It's been a race to the deadline. 
          	After the launch, I'll return and we'll pick up where we left off for Status One. 
          	Have a great week everyone!


Sorry, it's been so quiet over here. It's publishing time again. 
          My short story Status Three Agent is a short story in The Expanding Universe anthology vol. 9 released in September. 
          The other is the last book in the Starship Hope series entitled, ARRIVAL coming out next week. It's been a race to the deadline. 
          After the launch, I'll return and we'll pick up where we left off for Status One. 
          Have a great week everyone!


Just in case you aren't getting notified, I'm sending out this little announcement to let you know I'm updating stories and posting some new ones starting this week. Here's what's coming: 
          - [ ] The First Kingdom (the never before published Bolaji Kingdoms series prequel) updtes coming at least 2x a week.
          - [ ] Ensign (the never before published Starship Hope series prequel) updates coming at least 2x a week.
          - [ ] Status One Agent (formerly the Brotherhood) I pulled it down and it’s currently in revisions so I’ll slowly roll that one back out about 1x a week so I can keep up with my current publishing schedule. 
          Thanks for sticking around, you’re the best!


I've updated this to 1x a week during April because some of us have to do taxes in more than one country. UGH! But I'll be back to the regular schedule in May 2023.


Hi! I read and really enjoyed Status One. The plot and characters are gripping, especially Gena’s internal voice vs what she actually says in dialogue. Great writing! I’m a longtime writer (and newer scifi writer) but brand new to Wattpad trying to figure out how it all works and build readership and networks. For now, I’m doing a lot of reading and have entered a novella contest and writers group. If you have tips, I’d appreciate it! Take care


@dannyjstone Holy smokes! It's been over a year since I've been on Wattpad. I'm so sorry about dropping the ball. I obviously haven't been getting my notifications. *sigh* I so appreciate your feedback and I'm thrilled you stopped by. I love the contests on Wattpad, though admittedly I haven't done one in a while. Are you still hanging out on Wattpad? Did you end up entering your novella? As a SFF writer I didn't find a lot of reach here so I left, but I've heard it's changed for our genre around in recent years, so I'll do some research and consider dipping my toe back in as I've got more books coming. Either way keep keeping on and I'll go check out your profile.


By the stars! 3 books in four months. I'm going to need some time to recover. :-) The Starship Hope series is out and if you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, it's for sale on Amazon. Thanks to everyone who commented on my Wattpad shorts. It's amazing how motivating it is when people are reading your stuff. If you're looking to reach out, try me on the socials as I'm on a deadline and don't have a lot of time to engage as much as I'd like to over here. However, if you have questions drop me a line anyway and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Peace fellow humans!


What did you think of the end of the Mandalorian?
          There were sooo many things in that episode. Raise your hand if you knew it was Luke when the X-wing showed up. 
          It's going to be another busy year for T.S. so I'm going to apologize in advance for not spending much time over here. I've got several books coming out in 2021 and I need to focus my attention on what I'm doing.


Yeah, I'm not even going to pretend like I'm still writing over here. I had another book published in the Verity Chronicles series at the end of May and as you can imagine, writing a series takes a lot of work before it gets put out into the world. I haven't forgotten these stories, I'm just focusing a bit more on my author business and less on the fanfic. If you want to continue to follow my writing journey you can always find me on my blog. Thank you, for all the support.