
i’ve got a one-shots draft with 50 ish chapters, would anyone be interested in reading something like that? its lumity centered of course and theyre all kinda storylines i would probably never finish. they could be a good inbetween chapters of AFLW but im just throwing out ideas (:


@TShark001 YES YES PLEASE, your fics are some my favourites ive read (aside from the band AU and that really long witch luz in human realm fic on ao3 sorry but nothing can beat thoose)


Me I would wanna read that!


i’ve got a one-shots draft with 50 ish chapters, would anyone be interested in reading something like that? its lumity centered of course and theyre all kinda storylines i would probably never finish. they could be a good inbetween chapters of AFLW but im just throwing out ideas (:


@TShark001 YES YES PLEASE, your fics are some my favourites ive read (aside from the band AU and that really long witch luz in human realm fic on ao3 sorry but nothing can beat thoose)


Me I would wanna read that!


To my lovely readers, I am getting to the next chapter, promise! Irl I joined an extracurricular that keeps me at school til 6. Then I go home, shower, homework, sleep, back to the slammer. The point is, I have NOT abandoned the story, and the chapter is in the works! I hope you will bear with me for a short while longer! Have a good night/day/morning!


Does anyone know if I were to unpublish a whole freaking story, rewrite the grotesque creation, and then republish it on the same platform with the same chapter structure but very different wordings, how that would work? Like do I have to unpublish one chapter a time? If I were to unpublish it, delete things here and there, and then republish it, how would the view count and comments would work? I'm not necessarily worried about the views because who the f cares, but I LIVE for the comment sections and I'd like to keep most of them(if not all) in tact. If anyone knows ANYTHING, let me know ASAP, either through commenting or DM! 
          Also I can like your comments now Ō_ō


@Lightman07 thats a shame ): i might tamper with All is Fair to run a couple tests tho… thanks!


@TShark001 if you unpublished the whole story I think it deletes everything or else I just have terrible internet


Yooooo loving all is fair in love and war! Can’t wait to see if Camilla is truly luz’s mom! And if they survive till 11/11


I’m glad you’re enjoying it! Also, I realized the date was coming up faster than originally thought, and now I have to ‘stretch the dates’ to include a few very specific details. 