Oh wow I didn't even realize that I've reached a 100 followers! I would like to thank you guys for reading my stuff also. I realized that maybe focusing on one story at a time would be better so question. Which story do you guys want me to work on first?
@starwars582 Um, how should I say this. I've decided to change where I would be posting my writing. I decided to unpublish most of my stories to maybe use in the future. I left some stories or just stories idea to be used. I can't say you will see the pokemon story anytime soon. I'm not even sure if it's going to be similar to the one I had written in the past.
Oh wow I didn't even realize that I've reached a 100 followers! I would like to thank you guys for reading my stuff also. I realized that maybe focusing on one story at a time would be better so question. Which story do you guys want me to work on first?
@starwars582 I'll probably go till end of shippuden and if requested Boruto which I don't think I'll work on as much. And for the One Punch Man book I might make one but please understand that I have some other books which I wish to work on
@Shaifuddin6 Sorry, I'm still thinking if I should show what they did during the 2 years training or ho straight back the the guild after everyone's trainings