Idk if any of y’all are watching but this superbowl is boring asf
W Stain (will make sense if you saw the newest mha chapter
The Waffle House has found it’s new host
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Am I the only one that questions how much longer I have until I die of natural or unnatural causes?
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Today I saw a fifth grader with a fucking mullet and I’m like wtf?
TF? The hell are their parents tripping on to allow that? Are they trying to seem cool or some shite? I swear to god, I-Gen is to Gen Z as Millennials are to Boomers: A disappointment. My old Elementary school had been going strong for half a century and attended it couple years after it was built but only in the last five years fxcking Helicopter Parents and their Idiotic Children managed to get half of the school deemed ‘unsafe for learning’ even though all the incidents were because of two things: One: The parents never let them be kids. Two: Because they never got to play around, they do it now at school, but also because they haven’t played around that much, they have no fxcking common sense when it comes to safety. Also apply that to my old High School, but rather than having no sense of safety, the majority freshmen are, from what my kiddo who is a senior, had said: “Brain dead try-hard Tik Tok celebrities” Couple visit visas later and I can confirm. Like seriously wtf?!? Who thought destroying the bathrooms and assaulting staff is a good idea and the latest thing that’ll get you fame? The school is locking the bathrooms now because of their stupidity. Come on! I and several dozen other people gotta take a shite but now they can’t, YA GOTTA GO WHEN YA GOTTA GO DAMNIT! Hell, assaulting staff is COOL??? Why is it so hard for them to understand that’s a bad idea?!? I know I sound like a Boomer complaining about Millennials, and you’d be right. I’m an old Gen-Z complaining about I-Gen. But at least Millennials were just entitled, I-Gen is the definition of stupid. I’d rather have them do a drunk driving Tik Tok challenge, least they will rid themselves from this world. Hopefully with other likeminded people as them for maximum detoxification. (Obviously when I’m referring to a Generation, it’s the general behavior which does not apply to all persons of said generation)
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My crush just said she wanted her kids to marry my kids :/ wtf kinda zone is this shit
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Just read the newest chapter of mha and holy shit I can't stop crying
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@LazarusJack99 I just wanted to punch them really, and they were being annoying by making weird ass sounds with their mouth and following me around even when I told them to stop or I would literally punch them