
(spoilers) Just had a sobbing moment because I saw an edit of my favorite character from Alice in Borederland, Chishiya die but then I search up to see if he dies but he doesn’t because he has an near death experience, and I’m like I can’t handle two deaths because in season one my second favorite character karube die and I had my breakdown…. Help……


(spoilers) Just had a sobbing moment because I saw an edit of my favorite character from Alice in Borederland, Chishiya die but then I search up to see if he dies but he doesn’t because he has an near death experience, and I’m like I can’t handle two deaths because in season one my second favorite character karube die and I had my breakdown…. Help……


Oooh I see keehoooo


@ChansFlow3r shhhhh don’t expose me


Hi! I’m going to start using this thing to interact with yall, I’ve wanted to do it for a while but never had till today. Ask my anything abt me and I’ll tell u bc I’m like rlly bored in stuff but it’s fine!


@ChansFlow3r I will definitely check those out! I have a show I’m going to watch after I finish Alice in Borederland and the show is called sweet homes! And I hate when they make us wait long ugh.


@TUA_12345 I know!!! It takes so long ugh. I would totally recommend a time called you and Business proposal 


Can’t wait for the new seasons but like they won’t come out till next year. Which really sucks!