is there anyone who would like to read my unreleased ffs, I just need someone to judge mu ideas for the better because I really lack confidence and maybe i can improve my skills:') if anybody is willing to, just reply here and i would love to share my drafts with you! ^^


@donewmyself i have sent you a message request 


@TULIPTH okayyy, I'll be waiting


@donewmyself I'll dm you then! ^^


this message may be offensive
oh yep, another. idk when this insecurity of mine regarding my stories and writing would go away. seeing other authors (amateur authors) writing better than me makes me feel awful, sad, insecure, bad and what not?? i wish I could overcome this feeling. I also feel like my readers deserve better, ik.. idk any of them personally but I feel like they are wasting their time reading nothing piece of shits?? like for eg omega father. that shit is SO SO lame. doesn't have a plot, a proper writing style, has plotholes in every other paragraph. been writing that since 2019 and its already 2022. I deadass feel like a failed writer. writing I'd kind of my hobby and I chose wattpad to express my hobby and ideas to sharpen it but atm I just feel like deleting omega father cause I wanna wrote better but at the same time I don't want to. it has all of my struggles, rant, my amateur self's memories and many many things. everything feels so messed up. my aim this summer was to complete that book and leave wattpad. I just feel like a failed writer (even though I am not, I just fake it to build up my courage and confidence oop—)
          if you are reading this, I hope we never see eo again


@TULIPTH no don't be embarrassed I'm like that too 


@Layla_tae_addicted omg hi TT I posted this around two years ago I feel so embarrassed now TT


@TULIPTH don't worry dear everyone are like that in start it will be good as you grow more. For good writing you can read others book for preferences