
so...i'm back after a really long break-
          	might post some genshin content since i've gotten into that lol


“You are amazing, you are important, you are special, you are unique, you are precious, you are loved.” 
          – Ri


Hey sock crew moots, should I start an incorrect quotes book for s41 and his friends? I've been thinking of doing this for a while now but I needed some motivation lol


@wowummok OK TYSMMMM <3 


@TWICEfanficsANDstuff YES DO IT PLEASE JUST DO IT HERES SOME MOTIVATION *hands a piece of paper that says "MOTIVATION" to this bitch* NOW PLZZ DO IT


Hi readers! I know I haven't been active in a very long time, but now that there's plenty of free time I'll FINALLY be updating my current books and I might even start a new one if I happen to get back on track with '"One More Word" - A MiChaeng Fanfic' and the 'TWICE Ships' one. 
          Just some tiny updates you don't necessarily need to know: I started stanning GOT7, so some of my future works will be about them, and I might even add some of them as side characters in '"One More Word" - A MiChaeng Fanfic'! I also have some story ideas that will be fast to complete, so if I take a break from these books for just a little while (and by little I mean VERY little) I can complete those stories and then publish them. 
          As for my schedule, I can't really promise about that but all I can say is that I will be working on '"One More Word" - A MiChaeng Fanfic' this entire week (March 17 - 22) and possibly a bit of the next week. I'll try my very best to update as soon as possible!
          Thanks for all the reads for '"One More Word" - A MiChaeng Fanfic' and the 'TWICE Ships' one! As I keep telling you all, I really appreciate the support! 
          I also hope you all stay safe and healthy during this terrible period of time! Keep washing your hands, avoid close contact with others, and keep up to date with what your country's government announces about this situation. Also keep up to date with the World Health Organization for more on how to stay safe and what's going on around the world. I love you all! 


Hey there ONCES (and other k-fandoms)! I am TWICEfanficsANDstuff. I will be writing fanfics about TWICE and maybe some other groups.  Whoops! Gotta get back to writing! I'll post some more later after I finish writing some of my first fanfic. See you all there!