
Okay so I'm trying to edit SEITLOFP but something happened and the second chapter (what was the middles of the first chapter) some how got deleted but idk. So just bear with me while I sort everything out. The story is kind of a mess rn.


Okay so I'm trying to edit SEITLOFP but something happened and the second chapter (what was the middles of the first chapter) some how got deleted but idk. So just bear with me while I sort everything out. The story is kind of a mess rn.


So I just realized that I forgot to write a disclaimer for SEITLOFP #oops. 
          So that will either be included either in its own 'chapter' or at the beginning of chapter 3. But for now...
           HP belongs to J.K.R. the only people I made up are the main character and her immediate family members.


Okay guys! Chapter 1 of the Harry Potter (genre) fanfic that I announced a while back, and have been working on for over a year is FINALLY up! Sooooo excited!!! Woot woot!!!!!
          *puts on party hat*
          *blows noise maker*