This account will no longer be updated. Thank you all for reading my fanfics but I am going to make a new account with original stories.


@TYV0RE What account will you use?


Alright so life is stupid and made me take forever to get back to you on this, but I got an OC you might like. Still need to get caught up on the book and figure out the stats but I came up with a new guy at like 1AM awhile back and went overboard rip. I decide to make an entirely different OC for this cause I didn’t want either of us to deal with a copyright issue in the future because of me using one of my OCs that I threw at you for a book or something lol. You can keep this OC even if you don’t want to use it in your book btw. I feel like giving up complete ownership of him to you might be the best option law-wise. I made him specifically for this and don’t intend on using him for anything. Again, I completely understand if you don’t want to use him and I’m fine with you making changes to his character if you do decide to use him. Making him was a fun writing exercise and I’m fine with whatever you do with him. Just know that I don’t want to cause any issues like you experienced in the past. :) Also, if this OC is too much like someone else that’s already in the book (I don’t think he does?) crucify me for I am a fool. Should I send what I have so far for the OC in a private message thing or would you prefer something else? 


Jesus Christ this is long. Why do I ramble?


Read your update thing. Hope you’re doing well. Just wanted to ask if you still take OCs for your book? I plan on rereading No More since it has been awhile and would like to work on incorporating some of my OCs in your book since I have a few that would mesh well with the dark themes in the story. I know you’re busy though so I understand if you don’t want to or if you just don’t have the time. I know a lot of people that offered OCs unfortunately bounced from the project, so this might be a concern of yours. But I don’t plan on doing that. The only reason I stopped reading No More is because of stupid Wattpad locking me out of my old account and because the search setting just refused to cooperate with me until today. Literally couldn’t find you or your book even though I typed in the exact tittle and account name smdh. My old account was That_Book_Nerd (I think it was typed like that? Been awhile). Not sure if you remember me or not. Anyway, if you still want some OCs I’ll start on making character template things with all the info you need just in case Wattpad decides to kick me out again lmao. We can start working on that whenever if you’re interested. For now, I’ll be rereading No More cause I miss quality horror Wattpad books. 


@Pure-human-trash As long as it doesn't contradict anything already established.


Yeah, that’s fair. I’ll reread the book so I can get a refresher on the power system in it. While I do that, are there any rules you have for OC submissions? I know they shouldn’t be overpowered or be a MarySue like character and that there’s always the possibility of the character dying, but is there anything else I should keep in mind? 


@Pure-human-trash I think I remember you; your old user name sounds vaguely familiar.
            But yeah, real life has gotten busy and I'm trying to work things out - and trying to enjoy reading fanfics instead of writing, watching shows that I've put off, and just trying to get things back on track.
            As for OCs, I'm on the fence about it. I'll hear you out but I make no promises - I've had too many OC submitters bail on me or cause me trouble in the past.


Hi, is anyone still here? I just wanted to know .


@TYV0RE Damn right. During my pokemon phase, when I was what 14 or 15 (dn't judge me!), I read Final Battle by 11JJ11. He had Ash change so much in his behaviour including him being quiet, having a panic attack when he saw a Blaziken, with the goal of destroying team rocket no matter the cost.
            Ash in the series was a complete go-lucky, naive, hyperactive kid with great love and respect towards pokemon and valuing them a lot but in the story he had been withdrawn a lot and an extremely strained relationship with his pokemon.
            And he didn't just forgive anyone easily especially Brock who lied about him on trail


@KiranVinoy That was my main motivation for writing my fic, No More - the sheer amount of poorly-made 'stories' where they claim there is a plot, where the shipping of characters took priority over the development of characters and the story itself, was absurd.
            I also noticed that if a character was betrayed, it was something minor, and they would overreact - or worse, it was something awful and the victim forgave their tormentors in like the next chapter. I feel that if someone when through something traumatic, it would change them.


@D1nghead But there is just way too much trashy romance novels. I prefer much more darker stories like No More with a proper romance plot (Jess and Death/ Jess and Luke(is it a ship? Am I misunderstanding it?))
            A lot of these type of stories/ fanfictions of betrayal have this Morally White Protagonists who just forgives them or if they are villainous, they have a B.S build up. 
            Anyway, if anyone has any recommendation to Dark Stories just message me.


Hi, i hope you are doing okay. I dont know about the rest of the audience but i'll always be here. God bless you


@Goodboy26242 I really dont know.


@Goodboy26242 Sorry for asking this but do they have any form of social media to communicate with to know their well being?