Totally random, but please read all of this. I think it’s worth it. Okay so I was reading a Harry fanfic (still am just taking a break to type this) and I kept seeing this flashing light from the corner of my eye. At first I thought it was outside but I realized it was in my room. So I turned the light off as it landed on my wall AND ITS A FIREFLY! So I catch it in a water bottle and post it on my Instagram story. (@tori_aldaco) Then I go outside and let it out and go back in my room. Well I continue to read the fanfic in the dark and all of a sudden I see the same light coming full speed at me and it hits me in the arm and it felt like a little pebble. Well my ass jumped up so high and ran out of my room. After I composed myself, I went into my room and turned the light on. There, on the ceiling, was a firefly. Now I’m not sure if it is the same one or a different one, but I caught it in the same bottle and now he’s chilling in bed next to me. Just thought everyone should know. You’re welcome.