
          I’m a new fan of your gift and works.
          While I’m anxiously awaiting more, I do understand the writing process and blocks to your flow.
          Do you have work on other apps or sites? If so, what’s your ID?
          Prayers for healthiness, happiness, and that all is well.


Okay, y’all, I’ve had to find another outlet to write because I’ve been writing on Wattpad for like ever it feels like. Idk what it is but I get writers black when writing on here now and I feel so pressured to get the story done and tied up with a pretty bow. So now I’ve taken the time to write in a spiral notebook so that I can change it up a bit and take more time and slow everything down a bit. 
          I’m sorry that I have been absent but I can only do so much on here without losing my sanity. Also sorry for not answering any comments on my previous, crappy stories. 


@TaKara_DaeAnne naaaw thanks hon xxxx 


@watupg I’m working on it lol. I’m writing down some info so I don’t mess it up. 


this message may be offensive
@TaKara_DaeAnne hi I wanna say I don't think your stories are crappy I've absolutely enjoyed every one I've read what I hate is not having an end to the story like Sienna n Lucifer all your read have made me laugh  cry and fucken pissed at their manwhore partners  your allowed to have shit days but your writing is FUCKEN AWESOME now you need to get back on and finish off these awesome stories I need to get of the cliff of suspense take care be safe  