@emblem3crazy thanks so much :) and everything else is still in the middle of being written! I've almost finished one (the Drew/Wesley/Keaton two-shot) but it might take a while because I really want to get the prequel (Mean What You Say) finished before I finish posting Two Weeks Without Drew
I honestly can't wait until you put up new work! SWYM was the first Emblen3 slash I ever read and loved it! I hope you're still thinking about putting up new work bc I will be very happy to read them all! Have a great day!
Thank you so much lovely xx and the other stories are all in various stages of being written, but I've lost motivation so I just don't know how to continue them. I'm going to be posting what I have of the ending to the SWYM series, but I don't think I'll be posting the E3/1D zombie fic.
Hi :D
Emblem3 FAN! I swear, this site is overran with Directioners. Not that there's anything wrong with Directioners. I'm one myself. However, I'm happy I found someone who's an Emblem3 fan. :D
I'm currently planning a 1D/E3 crossover. Would you consider reading it once I post it?
I'm a Directioner myself but I agree there's HEAPS on here. I've seen a few Emblems here as well but mostly het girls which isn't my thing.
Of course I will read! Just message me when you post it :)
Two Weeks Without Drew has a sequel, don't worry :) It's only a one-shot, and there'll be no more than that, however. I'm so glad you enjoyed, and I have several more stories in various stages of being written! :) Thank you! <3
@emblem3crazy thanks so much :) and everything else is still in the middle of being written! I've almost finished one (the Drew/Wesley/Keaton two-shot) but it might take a while because I really want to get the prequel (Mean What You Say) finished before I finish posting Two Weeks Without Drew