
ok it's time! the new book is finally here! finally... i hope the wait was worth it. i'll post some more tomorrow i think but i finally started posting again so that's something (: enjoy. x


Hey love! I had once read a one shot of Larry but I don't remember was an au where Louis is a dancer and Harry is a football player who comes to learn how to dance from Louis. It's a really good one shot but I can't seem to find it. Do you by any chance have an idea where it is???? Thanks xx


Ohh thank you :) 


@SignOfTheLarries i may have found it. It's called "is it love? Or is it art?" from "you're a whole new level of charm" book lol


ok so i'm working on a new book. i know it's been ages since i posted something and i'm always telling you i will post but i sometimes never do it... but now that i finished school i can focus on doing something for you guys so i'll start posting probably next week (: thanks for bearing with me. just wait a little more.


hey guys! so there's the new book, you can now go and check it out (:
          ps. i did some minor changes on my first book - which made me do some major changes - and now there's two new one shots on there so you might want to check that out too.
          happy reading.
          - xx