

↠Sure of it! We know you definitely want to be a champ. Shine among thousand stars ↞
          ↿If you want to , then what are you waiting for? ⇃
          ↾Your universe is right before your eyes! 
          ⌈Oh!? Too high ? Could not reach there!?⌉
          ⌒Do not worry, we will make your path! ⌒
          ⍟ EXITING RIGHT !?⍟
          ⌵〈〉Now don't just stand there. Run over it , and be the rising star. 
          ⌣We, The Universe, Welcomes you Astronauts! ⌢
          ⌦We create galaxies and them bright too. We make it fun guys! So, communities are also welcome in this universe with their galaxies! ⌫
          ⌠Join in for either being a star or an Astronaut or more of it as a with a galaxy! ⌡
          ∎OH!? Did not get it? Don't worry and check upon the book. We are sure you will understand our universe and what we mean. 
          ↭HOPE GO SEE YOU STARS! ↭