my mum really likes putting me down, doesn't she? like i would be excited and tell her that i learned how to read Japanese and she would just either brush it off or ask where i'm gonna use it or how i would practice it.
like i've seriously been doing nothing but watch Youtube and read Wattpad or play Solitaire, she should at least be a bit proud that i'm doing something with my life. i was seriously so excited when i learned like 80-90% of Japanese Hiragana and all of that excitement just vanished the second she replied. which is why i tend to not tell my family about anything i have accomplished because they'll either make fun of me, belittle me, or... i should say i tend to hate when someone gives me a compliment, like i honestly don't know what's wrong with me but i would just quit whatever someone in my family compliments me on, like... i don't have any examples tbh. if i ever remember anything i'll just add it here.