
The vampire x werewolf au has been unpublished. 
          	I read the au myself and wasn't satisfied by my writing. It feels rushed and without character and story development. 
          	I will rewrite it and start publishing the first few chapters by tomorrow. 
          	Really sorry if you were in the process of reading it.  The quality of the writing really didn't hit the mark for me. And it isn't what I had initially intended for the book.
          	My apologies, kind people.


I love every story of yours 


@TaeTanGukks it's okay, author, take your time and pace and write what you think  is right


Dear taetanGukks..
           I have not readen wattpad for 3 mos.  Now i open my acount and once ive read undocile ... what an interesting title.. 
          Like goddang it means being not submissive right ive said to myself and immediatel read and i read UNDOCILE today only and dang!!
          The twists of the leads character hidden sides... after reading the story i immediately clapped its a good ending both of them ended it nothing happened to the other characters.. hehe the wolf V deserve his ending.. but how i wish he made his revenge just like what the father had done to the human but yeah..
          If you have the time already to revenge why not do it already instead right haha.... 
          YOU SHOULD CONTINUE WRITING!!! PLEASE... ive seen your othe rstories and ALL of them are good but some ended last year by 3 parts only os still on going, i dont know but whatever happens please dont stop writing hehe...
          Well i love reading so much, i write poets too thats why im this way too haha.. a lil bit dramatic but yeah im just passionate hehehe..
          You have a talent really.. please always write..