
          	Check out my very first book. I have invested all my time, blood, sweat, and tears into it. I hope you like it, and please don't be a silent reader. 


I can no more believe in love although I never did still had some respect for this feeling called love which is buried deep inside. How can the world be so cruel? It's so miserable to leave the person you love just because others don't want you together, I feel so much pain that I can't stop crying. I hate this crude world! How could they move on? Was it so easy? I feel awful! How can I sleep now? 
          "I don't want us to enter into one another's life?" How could he say that? My heart! My eyes! The most beautiful yet gut-wrenching story I have ever read. Oh god! I just can't stop thinking about it. 
          To my Moonflower, from your love Taehyung. 