Random thoughts (posting it here bcuz i don't someone to share it with ). :-)
i saw a dream yesterday, I'm a kind of person who doesn't dream much in my sleep and even if i did i seem to forget the dream everytime i wake up,but yesterday's dream seemed too real and clear in my vision as if it's not a dream but reality but i know it's something very distant from my reality..A dream i wish will come true..but it's far from the reality that i know thatwill never happen in my life i want to dream again and see the same person i meet in my dream again and see him one more time but i seem to can't...the cruel reality is breaking me apart i know maybe I'm crazy wishing to see someone that doesn't even exist but his presence give me a hope maybe i could meet him again someday...even if it's in dream. this is making look forward to future even if it's a hopeless dream still i wish i can seem him again...