
Thank you so much for 87 votes on " Running away from a psycho " .


Why are you posting other story don't you have any sense and how dare you to post without her permission her story her hard work have some shame if you don't know how to create a story then don't make you don't have any rights to steal someone hard work delete this story immediately and apologize to our author for stealing her story nevertheless we don't have any option other than report your profile 


this message may be offensive
Have some sense gurl either you write ur own imagination or dont write none's forcing you to write. Why the fuck u are stealing other's work. Have some shame and dignity for your own self. Idiot.!!! 
          DELETE !


Have some shame girl are you this much useless that you cannot write a story by yourself its someones hardwork you didn't even hesitate to copy. Our author has wrote this story year ago remove this story and post what you write not others work and if you are useless that you can't write by yourself than delete acc useless creature. We will appreciate you and support you if you write by yourself. Getting inspires by someone's work is good but copying is such a shamefull act 


Look, I am not gonna be harsh and hate on you like all others but you shouldn't have done it,  knowing that plagiarism is a crime and wattpad has restricted it strictly,  you know others can report you, I won't but I will if you don't delete it in next 24 hours as I am her follower and I really admire her works so, please kindly apologize and delete it and start with a new fresh idea that's your own! 


@Kpop_Dimensions14  no girl they are extra smart they think they will copy the work from youtube or instagram then how will Wattpad come to know bout plagiarism. Idiot. Literal bunch of crooks 


Such a leach , feeding on someone other's work ..such a shame u r like how could steal someone eles FF nd named it as urs ...u should delete it ryt now nd feel sorry to the real author...stop stealing their work nd try something of ur own dude !!!