So I just found out why you deleted your YouTube channel and I'm honestly sad :( I can't express how much joy watching your videos give me. I remember coming home from school to binge watch your videos. I also have this weird attachment to the intro you had on your videos after all these years that I just really wanted to see it again but then remembered that you deleted your account. I just wanna cry and scream too. I kinda feel like I got dumped XD its because you were the very first person I watched and discovered Taekook from. You shaped my "baby army" days. You were a huge part of my fangirl phrase. I just hope that during your last months of shipping Taekook you weren't like hated on cause looking through Twitter it seems like people were sending you hate so I wish that during your final days of being active on your account(s) were heartwarming like a old and sweet memory. Anyways, I know you won't read this as I think that you like don't check up on these account(s) but I'm happy that you are moving on in your life and I'm happy that you are focusing on yourself. Take care <3