


this message may be offensive
          As you know, I haven't been updating my books lately. Yes, half of it is due to laziness but it's also becayse I've been rethinking about it. I feel like these books aren't worth it, the more I think of it. It's just fucked up, especially those nearly r**e scenes (eg. Baekhyun posessing Minseok and nearly forcing upon Minji while she was a minor) and thinking about it, I'm disgusting at myself for writing that. I was demonising it and I couldn't be more ashamed of it. I don't know if I triggered any of my followers or readers, if you did, I am truly sorry. I'm genuinely sorry and I can omly blame for myself. I know that many of you love my books but I think I need to rewrite scenes and chapters, removing those scenes and replacing it. This is targeted to both of my books "Hidden" and "No Escape". Thank you for taking your time to reading this.


@Taevae  *photography
            Sorry for the typo 


@Taevae I love all of your books!! Hope you'll update soon but take your time, we all understand that writing isn't an easy thing. Also, I tried when I read book Drunk and Read.  I'm also curious about the members past in Hidden, and I so love No Escape and Photograph. Hope to read your books again soon ❤❤


Btw I'm an active voter amd reader at my other acc which I also used when I asked you before if when you are going to update NE. 


Helloooo im plannin for a while to re write no escape tbh, plot and writing wise, it is actually bad lmao
          I wrote delete chapers but i might have to retype (: so when everything is finished, i would make a new chap, telling you guys to reread the whole book again


Sorry for any mistakes, its like nearly 3 am


that sad moment when you realised that hidden + no escape is 2 yrs old and it's still not finished
          im so sorry yall omg


So tldr: sorry for extremely slow updates for hidden and no escape and maybe a new monsta x fanfiction!


but you know me, i can't write fluff for the death of me. so it's probably angst or dark!!! huehuehue, just like the wonho fanfic. that was actually before I got into them, that book was dedicated to a friend of my so I had no idea who he was until recently


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hahaha and as well as that, I also feel like making a new fanfiction. Monsta X maybe since I just got into them!! beside, there's not a lot of dark and fucked up ff of them