Dealing With Depression:
I just read a poem that Jungkookislife posted on Asianfanfics, and what it said was very true. If you are suffering from depression you should read it, you are not alone against this battle. There are so many people dealing with this and most of us suffer is silence. I know the feeling of loneliness, misery, and feeling like no one understands you. Talking about it doesn’t’ always help, it won't take it away, all those dark thoughts and all those sad feelings are still there.
There are some good days, but when we say we feel fine that doesn’t mean depression is gone, it just means we don’t feel so miserable that day. But a lot of the time it's hard to even get up in the morning. People call it laziness, but it's not. Our energy is drained even before we use it. What’s the point of getting up when you have nothing to look forward to, right? When someone asks us if we’re okay, we say yes, but on the inside, we really aren’t. We put a fake smile to get through the day, but on the inside, we’re so broken to the point where its too late to put the pieces back together.
The words hard, struggle, pain, don’t even begin to describe how someone with depression feels like. This is cliché, but it's okay to not be okay. Like I said before, you are not alone. If you’ve gotten this far, then you can keep on fighting. Don’t give up. You are a strong person and you can get through anything. Also, seeking help is okay. Don’t feel ashamed of seeking help because it just might be the best thing you ever did. For those who suffer in silence like me, there are ways to cope with this, you just have to find something that will distract you from the darkness your in. Your lives are worth living, always remember that.