
I know I’ve said this too many times and I’m really bad at keeping my promises to update my story Beautiful Stranger, but I’ve been drained from work and things in my life in general. So finding motivation and time to write and sit and actually look over the story has been difficult. I want this story to be right, and with no mistakes so I want to look over the new chapter I’m on and also the previous ones to make sure it’s running smoothly.
          	I really appreciate all you who’ve been waiting and I know you’re all very eager to read the next chapter, but please wait for me. I know I keep saying this, but please wait. See you soon my beautiful readers❤️❤️❤️


I know I’ve said this too many times and I’m really bad at keeping my promises to update my story Beautiful Stranger, but I’ve been drained from work and things in my life in general. So finding motivation and time to write and sit and actually look over the story has been difficult. I want this story to be right, and with no mistakes so I want to look over the new chapter I’m on and also the previous ones to make sure it’s running smoothly.
          I really appreciate all you who’ve been waiting and I know you’re all very eager to read the next chapter, but please wait for me. I know I keep saying this, but please wait. See you soon my beautiful readers❤️❤️❤️


this message may be offensive
Have you ever looked at someone and thought ‘wow.’ Like just seeing them makes you feel so much better and a smile immediately forms on your face. You can be having the worst day, but even just the thought of them makes you feel amazing and your heart starts to skip a beat. I’m not sure if any of you have felt that way towards someone and I’m not saying I have, but I want to. I’ve never been the most emotional person and I keep many things in, but lately, I’ve been craving for someone like that. To see them and feel like things will get better and that I can get through anything as long as they’re there with me. But so far, I haven’t found someone like that and sometimes I feel like I never will.
          Haha I probably sound like a fucked up and lonely person…but I mean I sort of am I guess. In a way, we all are. I don’t know why I even decided to write this, I just felt like venting a little. My brain has been so blocked for like the longest time and I don’t know what to do in order to get motivation to write like I used to. I used to be able to write for as long as a wanted in 1 day and now I can’t even write 2 sentences anymore. There is so much going on in my head, but I can’t seem to get the words out. 
          On a side note, if any of you follow any YouTubers you guys should check out Ally Hills, she’s fricken beautiful, talented, and funny. I’ve been obsessed with her for a few weeks now haha.


PLEASE READ!!!! THIS IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION REGARDING BEAUTIFUL STRANGER: I just wanted to ask and make sure if those of you reading Beautiful Starnger undertsnd it so far. Or if any of you have spotted any mistakes or anything. If any of you don't understand something just ask or if there's a mistake please do tell me, I'd really apperciate it. I'm asking because I want to spot any mistakes now before I get too far into the story. I don't want to end up not wriring it anymore like Secret. THANK YOU!!!!  :)


I know I keep posting messages like this, but I feel bad for making all of wait for me to update. I'm trying to get back on track with my writing and I'm really sorry for keeping all of you waiting. I guess you could say I haven't been feeling okay and I just haven't had the energy and the mentality to write. When I do try, I just end up sitting in front of my computer with a blank page. Also, there are people requesting that I update Secret and I just want to remind everyone that I stopped writting it and the new verion of it is Reflection. This happens a lot where people end up really liking it and they want me to update Secret, So I wanted to ask you guys, my readers, if I should just keep writing Secret and just fix the mistakes it has? Just a thought. Let me know if you want me to keep writing Secret or if I should continue the rewritten version which is Reflection.


Dealing With Depression:
          I just read a poem that Jungkookislife posted on Asianfanfics, and what it said was very true. If you are suffering from depression you should read it, you are not alone against this battle. There are so many people dealing with this and most of us suffer is silence. I know the feeling of loneliness, misery, and feeling like no one understands you. Talking about it doesn’t’ always help, it won't take it away, all those dark thoughts and all those sad feelings are still there.
          There are some good days, but when we say we feel fine that doesn’t mean depression is gone, it just means we don’t feel so miserable that day. But a lot of the time it's hard to even get up in the morning. People call it laziness, but it's not. Our energy is drained even before we use it. What’s the point of getting up when you have nothing to look forward to, right? When someone asks us if we’re okay, we say yes, but on the inside, we really aren’t. We put a fake smile to get through the day, but on the inside, we’re so broken to the point where its too late to put the pieces back together.
          The words hard, struggle, pain, don’t even begin to describe how someone with depression feels like. This is cliché, but it's okay to not be okay. Like I said before, you are not alone. If you’ve gotten this far, then you can keep on fighting. Don’t give up. You are a strong person and you can get through anything. Also, seeking help is okay. Don’t feel ashamed of seeking help because it just might be the best thing you ever did. For those who suffer in silence like me, there are ways to cope with this, you just have to find something that will distract you from the darkness your in. Your lives are worth living, always remember that.


I wanted to let my readers know why I haven't been updating. Most will probably not even read this, but those of you who will, I apologize for not updating for a while and the truth is its because I'm blocked. I've been like this for some time now and I've really tried to write, but every time I do I end up deleting it because I don't like what I write. It is also very frustrating because writing is usually how I de-stress, but since I can't write anything I get even more blocked and I always keep you guys waiting. Also school has been taking my time away from writing. And since you guys have been waiting for some time for me to update a chapter I will try as soon as I can to finish a chapter for 'Beautiful Stranger'. For those who are waiting for an update on 'Reflection' I'm working really hard on that story or at least trying because I want to write it so that this time it won't have any mistakes, so that's why that story is taking long for me to update. Anyway I just wanted to let you guys know and I'm sorry again, but thank you for sticking with my stories and enjoying them. Till next time annyeong ~


Take your time authornim. I will wait patiently for your updates. Hope you can figure out what to write. Hwaiting!!! 


plz read my story too and give some feedbacks !! and yeah i luved ur stories ^^ ❤❤


@Patini_snsd its ok .. but do try !! hwaiting ! 


@Patini_snsd Thank you for reading my stories and I will try to read one of your stories if I get the chance. Sorry I don't have much time, but I would love to read one.


Is anyone else obsessed with Red Velvet? I can't choose a bias. I'm torn between Seulgi, Irene, and Wendy. Who's your bias in Red Velvet?


@Taeyeon_LoveSNSD Yeri, Irene & Seulgi 


@Jigeumun I agree they are all perfect and its really hard to choose a bias haha.