
Yes, Im proud to be asian. I'm proud to be American. I'm proud to be a Filipina. Yes, I'm scared to be asian. Yes, Im scared for my life...I shouldnt be. No matter what shape our eyes are, the color of our skin, the language we speak, or even the religion if any that we practice. The diversity is indeed truly beautiful. So why should I be afraid of being who I am? When I should be proud. In my point of view, we all need food to live, water, and oxygen. We all bleed red.
          	(I dont usually post things. But I can no longer stay silent. Hate me for posting how proud I am for my nationality. It just goes to show how little humanity you have in you.)
          	"We are statistically insignificant."
          	That needs to be changed. I'm about to enter college. And as a young lady, right now I feel that the world is against me. That my single life no matter the depths in which I had to climb, I am still insignificant.


@Taglet5123 it is and im here for you if you ever need to talk or vent


@NotchesAndBullets Thank you for the support <3 Its just a lot going on.


@Taglet5123 asian-american hate is definitely a big problem. (i can definitely relate to all of your struggles and fears, i have them myself) but stay strong, we can do this!!


Yes, Im proud to be asian. I'm proud to be American. I'm proud to be a Filipina. Yes, I'm scared to be asian. Yes, Im scared for my life...I shouldnt be. No matter what shape our eyes are, the color of our skin, the language we speak, or even the religion if any that we practice. The diversity is indeed truly beautiful. So why should I be afraid of being who I am? When I should be proud. In my point of view, we all need food to live, water, and oxygen. We all bleed red.
          (I dont usually post things. But I can no longer stay silent. Hate me for posting how proud I am for my nationality. It just goes to show how little humanity you have in you.)
          "We are statistically insignificant."
          That needs to be changed. I'm about to enter college. And as a young lady, right now I feel that the world is against me. That my single life no matter the depths in which I had to climb, I am still insignificant.


@Taglet5123 it is and im here for you if you ever need to talk or vent


@NotchesAndBullets Thank you for the support <3 Its just a lot going on.


@Taglet5123 asian-american hate is definitely a big problem. (i can definitely relate to all of your struggles and fears, i have them myself) but stay strong, we can do this!!


I just read your bio and I know how scary writing can seem but if you ever feel like posting one of your stories I will support you 


i understandddd its scary but if you want to then you can do it!! and if not then theres nothing wrong with keeping it for yourself :)


wahhhhh i just saw this now but HOLY COW YOU DID?!?!?! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Also I started writing a fanfic on an anime but >w< I just caaan't


Thank you for following me! 


@Taglet5123 no worries, I work full-time so I completely understand for late replies. And glad you love them


@asuka_lynnbrown aww your welcome! And I have already finished them. They are truly amazing! Again, srry 4 late reply, I am in school.


@Taglet5123 thank you again for adding True Love and Blood and Fire to your reading list hope you enjoy them!