
Hey everyone!
          	I’ve been off for a while now, been really busy with work and school, but I’ll try and get a new story out shortly. In the meantime, if you have any or just want to reach out, here is my twitter account: @GalaxyWolf5465
          	Luv u’s all and looking forward to seeing messages!


Keep an eye out for a book with the following title: The Book Of Short Stories. It will include a mix of random short stories created solely for wattpad. I will try to update it weekly, if not fortnightly! I would love for some feedback, and if you have any ideas of short stories you would like to see written, then don't hesitate to let me know! I will gladly credit you and collab as well!


Thank you all for following me! I hope you have enjoyed my stories. Just an announcement that The Reign is officially available on Amazon, as an e book or paperback, if anyone wants a copy! I would also love feedback on what I should add to future stories. Again, thanks so much for your support