Hi everyone, its been awhile. I've recently been hit with a bad type of motivation... I've been talking to my crush of about a few months now and focused more on him rather than writting.
But after awhile of talking, my friends made me realized that he was just playing with me. I would tell him how my day was and he would say 'cool' or 'nice' but when it came to me telling him about these new 'boy' friends I meet, he gets a little bit posessive and acts like a jealous boyfriend (by what my friends told me), he would tell me that the boys I meet are shitty and that I shouldn't hang out with them.
Besides that, he has brought up many girls in our conversations whether it be girls he meets in real life or girls who he meets online. Either way, I supported and listenned to whoever he meets and hangs out with because I can't control who he is with. But one thing that bugged me was how he compared a girl to me and said 'she's like your twin but way freakier' and 'she's pretty.' I then realized, he never once called me pretty.
Everytime I've tried to ask him out to hangout, he says he's busy with whatever he has in his life. I know he has a busy life but he should be able to make some time for me, right...? We live close to eachother which makes it worse. And now that made me realized...
I didn't start wattpad because 'it would be fun'. I started reading and writting because I wanted an escape, something to fuel my need for a partner who I can love and care for.
I'm thankful for the people who are patient with my stories/work. I will do my best to pick back up my phone and start creating an escape for me, and for you all. Thank you all for reading my yapping/rant and hopefully I'll see you under the comments of any of my works ♡