2024 update; IT'S BEEN A WHILE!
I've taken a much needed, extended break from my writing, dabbling only in the Amaeris Series' cover creation, and focusing on my mental health. I've also been working on a few other projects, but those are for me personally.
Beginning in July 2024, I will be focusing on this series and hopefully finding other platforms to publish on, as WattPad just isn't giving me the reach I had once hoped for. That being said, all current chapters of 'In Silence and Shadows' [Amaeris B2] will be unpublished till the end of 2024, when I'll begin updating this instalment of the 'Amaeris' series.
All my other writing projects will be taking a longer Hiatus, as well as any book related TikTok's (I don't have the energy or mental capacity to upload there anymore).
Either way, I'll be doing my best to regain my enthusiasm for my writing, even if my seclusion annoys my housemates.