
          	So I finally got something off my chest with my mother and sister. And like i wanna say it up here cause the people up here are chill and sweet. So basically when I was younger my cousins made me do things to them. I was older than one of them just by a few months. 
          	When I was younger all my cousins were boys. They still are but I got one girl! But anyways, I was always told “Cynthia you’re more responsible” or “Cynthia you’re the eldest watch the boys” even though I was really young. 
          	So when my cousins would make me do things I wouldn’t tell because I was scared I’d be blamed for it. I know kids explore and were indeed really young —like five to seven or eight— but it went on for years. 
          	My mom apologized and reassured me that I couldve told her and I’ll always tell her! But uh yeah there’s me ❤️❤️ random lore drop but I hope you guys have a great day/night and if you ever wanna talk im here:)


@Tajruff glad to hear it doesn't boggle you down after all this time ❤️❤️


@ZeddiTheSecond Thank you my love❤️ I do nothing but laugh at such things now, it’s my coping mechanism


@Tajruff oh my gosh, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, especially so young :(


          So I finally got something off my chest with my mother and sister. And like i wanna say it up here cause the people up here are chill and sweet. So basically when I was younger my cousins made me do things to them. I was older than one of them just by a few months. 
          When I was younger all my cousins were boys. They still are but I got one girl! But anyways, I was always told “Cynthia you’re more responsible” or “Cynthia you’re the eldest watch the boys” even though I was really young. 
          So when my cousins would make me do things I wouldn’t tell because I was scared I’d be blamed for it. I know kids explore and were indeed really young —like five to seven or eight— but it went on for years. 
          My mom apologized and reassured me that I couldve told her and I’ll always tell her! But uh yeah there’s me ❤️❤️ random lore drop but I hope you guys have a great day/night and if you ever wanna talk im here:)


@Tajruff glad to hear it doesn't boggle you down after all this time ❤️❤️


@ZeddiTheSecond Thank you my love❤️ I do nothing but laugh at such things now, it’s my coping mechanism


@Tajruff oh my gosh, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, especially so young :(


I’m thinking of becoming a preschool teacher, or a therapist, definitely a animator, or a health care nurse 


@Tajruff awww that's beautiful!! I wish you the best with achieving that, I just know you'll accomplish great things!!! 


@ZeddiTheSecond Ah! Thank you! I have so many things I wanna do but I think I’ll go for Preschool teacher. A lot of kids aren’t being taught right yknow? I just wanna make a difference anyway I can


@Tajruff preschool therapist who is also the nurse with a side job of animating! Such a beautiful career path ⋋⁠✿⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠o⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠✿⁠⋌


Little life update that’s unserious! So I’m reading this trilogy that I’m almost done with called “System Devine” YALL when I tell these characters are stressing me OUT! At this point just put me n da story! Also school is hectic like HECTIC! My teachers keep calling on me like please leave me alone . I’m glad they think I’m smart but PLEASE call on another student. Good thing is I got Honor roll! I think I’m slowly being coming more social? But honestly I don’t think before I speak and I’m sure people think I’m weird. This dude wanted to know my name and I said “I don’t believe that” I FELT SO BAD SO I TOLD HIM MY NAME but nothing happened after that. Things like that just don’t happen to me and I just felt terrible. Other than that life Is going, how are you all? I hope you all stay blessed !


How’s everyone doing?


@Tajruff good to hear you're alright!! ❤️


@ZeddiTheSecond tired but a lm ok! I’m glad you’re doing good


@Tajruff heyy! I've been well, hby? 